Free, printable, week planner!


What a strange time we’re living in…most of us are one or two weeks into isolation or social distancing – many of us trying to juggle multiple roles as employees/business owners/teachers and parents.

I’m not gong to lie, as a family, we cruised through week one; my daughter definitely thought we were in holiday mode while my husband and I grappled with the magnitude and meaning of a new life at home whilst still owning two businesses.

Week two rolled in, and we decidedly needed a little more structure to our days, for both our mental wellbeing and productivity in juggling work at home. My daughter has always enjoyed knowing what was coming in a day, so I decided to pull together a week planner that enabled a rough plan of how our days would play out.

Designed to take us through the day from post-breakfast to tea-time in hour increments (timeless as some days we start at 9, others 10), I’ve decided to share it here in case others find it helpful to have a visible plan on their wall. The planner is an A4 printable version (no background colour to save your ink) of a larger version that will soon be available to purchase, alongside sticker booster packs depending on the use type.

We hope it helps to add a smidgen of formality to your day – if that is what you are seeking! If you really enjoy using it, check back for the much larger version coming soon!

Kayleigh McCardle